Città Nuova

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    [title] => Times of Passage
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Rebirth requires learning/5. Over the years many things change, even within religious communities and spiritual movements. Looking back is not always the right way to overcome the crises of the new times.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Città Nuova on 13/06/2024 - From the Città Nuova Magazine n° 1/2024

In the life of spiritual communities and movements, thinking up the right relationship to the past plays a decisive role, especially in times of great change, and therefore crisis, when it is not at all obvious how to ensure that the charisma continues its course, and what forms it will take so that the continuation is good, one that brings development and life.

[fulltext] =>

In the book of Genesis we read the episode of Lot's wife (Gen 19:26) who became a pillar of salt because she looked back, which is also taken up in the Gospel of Luke (Lk 17:31-32). Looking back was a fatal error committed by that woman, an error that can also be repeated in spiritual and charismatic communities. It consists in looking into the past for the diagnosis and therapy of a present crisis, thinking that the solution can be found by going back to the origin. Many times the past is a useful and necessary resource: in ordinary crises, when what happened yesterday, and then repeated itself many times, creates patterns and laws that help understand what is happening in the present. This is the true meaning of the phrase: history is the teacher of life.

But when times change actually and quickly, when the change of time is qualitative (kairos), because one is faced with a truly unprecedented phase - such as the death of the founder -, the past is not only of little use, but can easily become ballast and a bad advisor for understanding the present and imagining a good future. If, in fact, in the decisive moments of changing epochs one looks backwards, the sad outcome that befell Lot's wife is common and highly probable.

Such cases are easily found in situations that are well known and studied in economic history. If, for example, at the end of the 19th century the inventors of the automobile had asked their fellow citizens what they needed for their transport, they would have answered: a faster carriage. No analysis of yesterday's market could reveal the need for a car, simply because no such thing had existed before. When, in times of great change, one looks into the past, one finds carriages, not cars.

Turning back to communities, the founders leave their communities carriages, often beautiful carriages that are ahead of their time, but - and here is the point - the communities live in the time of cars. And when, in the crisis, you decide to look back in search of solutions, you find manuals for carriage construction, horse maintenance, wheels, shock absorbers; all things that were very useful for building and maintaining carriages yesterday, but useless for creating cars today and tomorrow.

In the time of crisis that comes after the passage from the founder's generation to the next one, in the natural confusion that one experiences, the most common mistake is to think that salvation is to be found by searching and finding in the past to find the resources for that “radicality” of life that is no longer there to be seen, for that total faithfulness to the charisma that today appears clouded. Therefore, much energy is invested in studying the roots well, in training new members with the materials of yesterday presented as the only and the best cure for today's crisis.

This happens naturally because in times of great uncertainty and serious disorientation, in fact, the only available resource at hand seems to be the past. And so we are under the illusion that the fact of having only one resource makes this single resource also a good resource. One goes in search of the founder's words, episodes and cautionary tales of yesterday, one also tries to explain their lost authentic interpretation, pursuing the illusion that those texts are the means to be reborn today. Thus one takes those wonderful old carriage manuals and those colourful drawings of beautiful carriages, and perhaps even manages, in some places, to build a few more good carriages, but in the meantime, faster and faster cars are whizzing past us.

However, in such times of transition, a good strategy should imagine and attempt two operations. The first is a work on charisma, understanding - to remain within the metaphor - that the gift received through the founder is not tied to the construction of carriages but to transport; and therefore understanding that the charisma that was expressed in the construction of carriages yesterday can also produce cars (perhaps even electric ones) today. And next, leaving yesterday's instruction manuals behind and using the spirit of charisma to write new manuals for the construction of new means of transport. And finally getting to work with the same enthusiasm as in the early days.

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Rebirth requires learning/5. Over the years many things change, even within religious communities and spiritual movements. Looking back is not always the right way to overcome the crises of the new times.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Città Nuova on 13/06/2024 - From the Città Nuova Magazine n° 1/2024

In the life of spiritual communities and movements, thinking up the right relationship to the past plays a decisive role, especially in times of great change, and therefore crisis, when it is not at all obvious how to ensure that the charisma continues its course, and what forms it will take so that the continuation is good, one that brings development and life.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-odd )
Times of Passage

Times of Passage

Rebirth requires learning/5. Over the years many things change, even within religious communities and spiritual movements. Looking back is not always the right way to overcome the crises of the new times. by Luigino Bruni published in Città Nuova on 13/06/2024 - From the Città Nuova Magazi...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 19755
    [title] => Charismas: border management
    [alias] => charismas-border-management
    [introtext] => 

Rebirth requires learning/4 - How to keep charismatic communities alive and fresh in the generation following that of the founders

by Luigino Bruni

published in Città Nuova on 30/04/2024 - From the Città Nuova magazine n. 12/2023

Communities live within a dynamic tension between the “inside” and the “outside”. Without a certain collective intimacy made up of dense, strong and warm relationships, you cannot create any community. Therefore, the centripetal force that pulls everyone towards a single spirit is essential to generate true community life. These strong, intimate relationships are cherished by community members. They generate a typical and great joy: as we say ‘we’, we hear our truest name resounding, and as we say ‘I’, everything speaks to us of ‘we’, to the point of (almost) no longer being able to distinguish the individual soul from the collective spirit.

This typical relational good is the first nourishment of communities. It is in this intimacy, completely individual and completely collective, that the secret, the beauty, as well as the criticality of community life are found, especially when communities attract and cultivate vocations, that is, when they are composed of people called by name by the charisma of the community, which they feel are the best and truest part of their own selves. The subject's identification with the group becomes a spiritual game of mirrors, a mutual and generalised empathy, and individuals generally perceive no compulsion to feel the same feelings as everyone else – that’s the ‘il naufragar m'è dolce in questo mare’ (‘shipwrecking is sweet to me in this sea,’ quoting Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi - the tr.) of the community.

[fulltext] =>

Inevitably, this internal dynamic creates boundaries, borders and demarcation zones between inside and outside, in order to guard this precious intimacy. The intense internal life then, over the years, also creates a common language, a way of life, a way of praying and celebrating, winks and gestures that make it immediately recognisable from the outside who is part of that particular group. Those who are inside do not realise that they are changing day by day, but to those who are outside it appears very clear and is also viewed with some concern. For if, after the first phase, communities do not lower their drawbridges and make entry (and exit) much more porous and easy, they begin to decay through loss of biodiversity and air.

In this regard, an episode from the Gospel of Luke may be interesting: ‘»Master,« said John, »we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us.« »Do not stop him,« Jesus said, »for whoever is not against you is for you.« (Lk 9:49-50). Jesus' companions behave like many members of a community towards people outside the “magic circle” who act as if they were inside. There are many ways in which these dynamics are expressed.

One of these is regarding those people who, after spending time with the community, feel a second vocation, leave it and start their own new community. Especially at the beginning, these people of a “second vocation” use very similar, if not identical, language and spiritual categories to those they learnt and lived in their original, first community. This similarity sometimes appears excessive to the old companions, they think it is disturbing, similar to plagiarism, and they complain about the lack of recognition of the first source, and so their reaction can turn into outright hostility. This is a common and understandable mistake, but one that must be fought as a temptation.

Another typical phenomenon is the arrival in the community of people with their own talents and charismas that are in part different from those of the founder, who nevertheless feel themselves to be authentic children of that charisma. This is the experience of St Paul who, although he did not know the Lord, felt himself to be an apostle just like the twelve. And just as Paul did not have an easy life with Peter, James and the other apostles, so the new Pauls do not have an easy life in charismatic communities, where they are often opposed by members, who are forgetting, perhaps in good faith, that salvation and a good future depend greatly on the presence of these external-internal reformers.

In the generation following that of the founders, the spiritual “border management” of the community becomes fundamental and vital. Everything must be done to ensure that yesterday's community is enlivened and challenged by new arrivals, who are sometimes very different from the first generation members’ profile, but who work the same miracles “in the name” of the charisma. Among those who work in the same name there will undoubtedly be false prophets and even opportunists, which is an inevitable risk because a community that did not also generate false prophets would not have enough life force to generate any true prophets.

When, on the other hand, the fear of losing the identity and the purity of the charisma prevails (a typical “Gnostic” temptation), communities wither, grow old, and the joy of living disappears from them, which, together with the presence of young people are the two “sacraments” of communities capable of a future.

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Rebirth requires learning/4 - How to keep charismatic communities alive and fresh in the generation following that of the founders

by Luigino Bruni

published in Città Nuova on 30/04/2024 - From the Città Nuova magazine n. 12/2023

Communities live within a dynamic tension between the “inside” and the “outside”. Without a certain collective intimacy made up of dense, strong and warm relationships, you cannot create any community. Therefore, the centripetal force that pulls everyone towards a single spirit is essential to generate true community life. These strong, intimate relationships are cherished by community members. They generate a typical and great joy: as we say ‘we’, we hear our truest name resounding, and as we say ‘I’, everything speaks to us of ‘we’, to the point of (almost) no longer being able to distinguish the individual soul from the collective spirit.

This typical relational good is the first nourishment of communities. It is in this intimacy, completely individual and completely collective, that the secret, the beauty, as well as the criticality of community life are found, especially when communities attract and cultivate vocations, that is, when they are composed of people called by name by the charisma of the community, which they feel are the best and truest part of their own selves. The subject's identification with the group becomes a spiritual game of mirrors, a mutual and generalised empathy, and individuals generally perceive no compulsion to feel the same feelings as everyone else – that’s the ‘il naufragar m'è dolce in questo mare’ (‘shipwrecking is sweet to me in this sea,’ quoting Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi - the tr.) of the community.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-even )
Charismas: border management

Charismas: border management

Rebirth requires learning/4 - How to keep charismatic communities alive and fresh in the generation following that of the founders by Luigino Bruni published in Città Nuova on 30/04/2024 - From the Città Nuova magazine n. 12/2023 Communities live within a dynamic tension between the “inside” an...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 19724
    [title] => The essential courage to change
    [alias] => the-essential-courage-to-change
    [introtext] => 

Rebirth requires learning/3 - What does the Gospel metaphor of the new wine tell us today? In new times it is necessary to have the courage to intone the funeral song, to give thanks for the past and then to have more faith in the present and the future: to believe more in the children of today than in the fathers of yesterday. Courage is needed to change almost everything so as not to lose everything.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Città Nuova on 12/03/2024 - From the Città Nuova magazine n. 11/2023

Communities struggle to understand when one world has ended and a new one has begun. There are many reasons for this collective fatigue, and they are generally little studied, especially in the context of communities of a religious and spiritual nature, where the various levels of problems (economic, organisational, charismatic...) are intertwined and mixed up.

[fulltext] =>

A well-known passage from the Gospel of Luke can inspire us on some of the risks and errors: in fact, the Bible is also a valuable map for finding one's way through the high and impervious passages. Here it is: ‘He told them this parable: “No one tears a piece out of a new garment to patch an old one. Otherwise, they will have torn the new garment, and the patch from the new will not match the old. And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins.”’ (Luke 5:36-38).

The wineskins and the wine in them are excellent parables for understanding the collective realities born of a charisma. These live of a spirit that generated them, which we can call ‘charisma’, and also of structures, practices, organisations, norms, statutes born to preserve, guard and care for the charisma itself: the wineskins. In the context of the Gospel, the wineskins were the Mosaic Law and its institutions, while the wine was the spirit, the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven. Something had happened, the vineyard of YHWH had produced a new wine, and yesterday's wineskins had to be changed. The wineskins were not wrong or bad: they were simply unfit to contain a new wine, and if the containers were not changed soon, the contents would also be lost.

The metaphor of the new wine can mean many different things today.

When a charisma arrives on earth, it is a brand new wine, the fruit of a vine never seen before, albeit the fruit of grafting vines from the same great vineyard of the Church and humanity. At the beginning everyone understands that this new wine needs new wineskins: and so the community creates institutions, statutes, norms and new languages that are capable of containing and preserving that novelty. In the 13th century no Franciscan monk thought of living the spirit of Francis by remaining in the beautiful Benedictine abbeys: something new was born, the convents appeared and a new rule was written to contain that novelty. Likewise, to write the Italian Constitution after Fascism no one thought of re-adapting the Statuto Albertino (the constitution granted by King Charles Albert of Sardinia to the Kingdom of Sardinia on 4 March 1848 which later became the constitution of the unified Kingdom of Italy and remained in force, with changes, until 1948 - the tr.).

It is a much more difficult case to understand when it happens in the history of a community that the wineskins need to be renewed because there is a new wine. It is difficult to understand because the vine is now there, and many think that the wineskins will last forever, that there will be no new wine any more. The death of the founder is usually one of these moments, when the wine becomes new again and the wineskins grow old.

The decisive problem arises from the fact that the wineskins that need to be changed are those made by the founder. And so the structures, practices, rules, words, statutes and constitutions have become very important and cherished over the years. They are now inheritance, they are patrimony (i.e. patres-munus: gift of the fathers), they are a beautiful part of the furnishings and richness of the community house, to the point of loving the wineskins almost more than the wine. But if you grow fond of yesterday's wineskins, communities grow old along with their barrels, because they believe more in the containers than in the wine, and soon they will witness, inert, the decomposition of the wineskins and the wine.

There is another detail at the end of Luke's parable: ‘And no one after drinking old wine wants the new, for they say, “The old is better.”’ (5:39). Many liked the old wine better, and do not want the new: and the problems start growing. Others, furthermore, sought compromises and tried to combine the old and the new by putting a patch of new cloth over an old garment. No: in new times it is necessary to have the courage to intone the funeral song, to give thanks for the past and then to have more faith in the present and the future: to believe more in the children of today than in the fathers of yesterday.

There is a day when the wineskins that have contained the spirit of the charisma for “a thousand years” suddenly become obsolete, because a watch duty in the night lasted longer than a thousand years. The vine of the charisma has not changed, only the new wine of a new vintage has arrived, in the same vineyard and vines as yesterday. And here one needs the courage to change almost everything in order not to lose everything.

Credits foto: © Makalu su Pixabay

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Rebirth requires learning/3 - What does the Gospel metaphor of the new wine tell us today? In new times it is necessary to have the courage to intone the funeral song, to give thanks for the past and then to have more faith in the present and the future: to believe more in the children of today than in the fathers of yesterday. Courage is needed to change almost everything so as not to lose everything.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Città Nuova on 12/03/2024 - From the Città Nuova magazine n. 11/2023

Communities struggle to understand when one world has ended and a new one has begun. There are many reasons for this collective fatigue, and they are generally little studied, especially in the context of communities of a religious and spiritual nature, where the various levels of problems (economic, organisational, charismatic...) are intertwined and mixed up.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-odd )
The essential courage to change

The essential courage to change

Rebirth requires learning/3 - What does the Gospel metaphor of the new wine tell us today? In new times it is necessary to have the courage to intone the funeral song, to give thanks for the past and then to have more faith in the present and the future: to believe more in the children of today than...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 19669
    [title] => Against gradualism
    [alias] => against-gradualism
    [introtext] => 

Rebirth requires learning/2 - Big changes do not always happen in small steps; and the need to proceed step by step must not become an obstacle to taking urgent initiatives

by Luigino Bruni

published in Città Nuova on 24/01/2024 - From the Città Nuova magazine, n. 10/2023

We recently commemorated sixty years since Martin Luther King's great prophetic speech, I Have a Dream, delivered in Washington on 28 August 1963. Looking back on that speech, there was one passage that struck me: “This is not time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism”. He was very critical of gradualism, of the deeply ingrained idea that big changes cannot happen immediately because the great complexity of the reality to be changed requires a gradual process and a policy of small steps. Gradualism receives much consensus because it emphasises a true value, that of inclusion, of the need to involve the various players who have a role in the creation of problems and thus also in their solution. Hence the great processes of grass root consultation, questionnaires, and the many commissions to ensure the synodality of the entire process of change.

[fulltext] =>

I do not want to claim that the gradualist method should never be adopted or that it is always wrong. The question is a different one: why was Martin Luther King so opposed to gradualism? Because, quite simply, in those who invoked the politics of small steps he saw an alibi for continuing to postpone urgent and obvious reforms and changes (apartheid, for example), and because it acted as a ‘tranquilliser’ of conscience for those in power. Appealing to a value, even if it was a valid one in itself, only became a justification for the status quo - those who oppose a necessary process almost always do so in the name of some good reason.

Not all changes happen in small steps. In physics, water turns from liquid to solid in an instant. Revolutions do not happen gradually either, because certain processes explode when a critical threshold is passed. Today, for example, those who continue to advocate gradualist policy in the area of climate change and ecological transition (the very word transition incorporates the idea of small steps) almost always use this fine word to slow down a change that was ever so urgent already twenty years ago. The inclusion of all governments and various economic stakeholders is an essential part of the environmental problem; it is the prime cause of why we are watching motionlessly as the climate declines rapidly and inexorably. When the ship is sinking, or when a house is burning, no one thinks of calling together an assembly to decide what to do through complex procedures: there would have to be a captain to take responsibility for the choices and to make those choices. The world does not have a captain (and that is just as well) and in fact we are sinking; but this ‘captain’ can and must emerge from below, from the world's population, from civil processes that can lead to quick and effective decisions to replace the lack of ‘captains’ - and let's just hope they are peaceful and non-violent.

But what is astonishing is that gradualism takes hold even in ideal driven communities and movements which do have ‘captains’, where there is a government that could and should take urgent decisions. And instead, all too often, even in these, when faced with general and serious crises that would require rapid change, the gradualist method is preferred, and with it the creation of commissions that will one day report on the needs that have emerged with the (somewhat naive) hope that in the end a synthesis will be made of all the information that will have been gathered. And so the years pass, and the governments with them, the disease worsens, and while the doctors are discussing what to do, the patient is nearing death.

Furthermore, a typical error of these gradualist methods concerns economics. The economic aspects are the first to emerge during a crisis, but they are the last to be addressed, because the economy is an indicator of much broader and deeper phenomena than just the economy. Economic indicators are the red light in a car that signals an engine failure: it tells you to fix the engine and after that, once it is repaired, the light will go out on its own. Instead, they start fixing the economy first without understanding the structural illnesses that generated the economic crisis, and the more they fix the economy, the more the illness grows in the depths.

The quality of a government in times of crisis depends a lot on the ability of those in charge to sense, by instinct, where the problems are in the ‘engine’, and to start from there. They will receive criticism, accusations of authoritarianism, but perhaps they will save the body that is suffering.

Credits foto: © Unseen Histories su Unsplash

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Rebirth requires learning/2 - Big changes do not always happen in small steps; and the need to proceed step by step must not become an obstacle to taking urgent initiatives

by Luigino Bruni

published in Città Nuova on 24/01/2024 - From the Città Nuova magazine, n. 10/2023

We recently commemorated sixty years since Martin Luther King's great prophetic speech, I Have a Dream, delivered in Washington on 28 August 1963. Looking back on that speech, there was one passage that struck me: “This is not time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism”. He was very critical of gradualism, of the deeply ingrained idea that big changes cannot happen immediately because the great complexity of the reality to be changed requires a gradual process and a policy of small steps. Gradualism receives much consensus because it emphasises a true value, that of inclusion, of the need to involve the various players who have a role in the creation of problems and thus also in their solution. Hence the great processes of grass root consultation, questionnaires, and the many commissions to ensure the synodality of the entire process of change.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-even )
Against gradualism

Against gradualism

Rebirth requires learning/2 - Big changes do not always happen in small steps; and the need to proceed step by step must not become an obstacle to taking urgent initiatives by Luigino Bruni published in Città Nuova on 24/01/2024 - From the Città Nuova magazine, n. 10/2023 We recently comme...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 19662
    [title] => The new rainbow that is there
    [alias] => the-new-rainbow-that-is-there
    [introtext] => 

Rebirth requires learning/1 - Why do many community reforms start out auspiciously and then stall?

by Luigino Bruni

published on Città Nuova ion 20/12/2023 - From the magazine Città Nuova n. 9/2023

The most precious and rare art to learn when starting a community reform is to be able to get to the depths of the process. The first phase of a reform is almost always accompanied by acclaim, encouragement and applause, because, as a rule, movements and communities start reforms too late, when it is already evident to (almost) everyone that a lot of things need to change in order not to perish; and so the new government that sets about this reform work is greeted as one greets a saviour. Only a few of the members are aware that this necessary reform would have had to be done many years earlier, when the symptoms of the collective disease were still almost invisible and everything spoke of health and success.

[fulltext] =>

For this reason, the early days of a renewal process, of any renewal of a suffering body, flow smoothly, quickly, accompanied by satisfaction and the great relief typical of any beginning of a necessary cure. The reformers feel supported by the entire community and everything is surrounded by a climate of optimism and new spring. It is thus understood that the most important and decisive moment in a reform is always the second, not the first moment, that ‘second half’ when the almost endless opening of that initial credit is reduced and then exhausted.

Many reforms get stuck, bogged down in this second phase and fail to reach the third, the essential one for the real and concrete implementation of the reform, when the announcements should have turned into major changes in governance. This is what happens to those young people who dive with only their mask on because they know that after 10 metres they will arrive in a beautifully coloured, emerged cave – but then, after the first few metres they feel their oxygen depleting, they get scared, turn back and resurface. If they had held on for a few more seconds they would have reached the air of the beautiful cave, but instead they stopped halfway there.

Why do we stop? What happens in the intermediate phase that blocks the necessary reforms that are sought by (almost) everyone? A clue to the reasons for the failure of the second phase is suggested to us by French philosopher De Tocqueville (Democracy in America), with his famous “paradox”. By studying revolutions and the social transformations of peoples, Tocqueville had realised something important: as soon as the members of a community begin to see the longed-for first signs of change, new participation and democracy, they begin to demand more and more, much more than the reformers can concretely do in that first phase.

The appetite for reform grows much faster than its first results. And so, those reformers who were appreciated, praised and encouraged at the time of the announcement of the reform, as soon as they begin to carry out their first reforming acts, see the original esteem turn to criticism and dissatisfaction, because those first changes appear too timid, slow and insufficient. At the same time, the dissatisfaction expressed today by the enthusiasts of yesterday generates disappointment and discouragement in the reformers because they see the criticism as unfair and ungrateful. This ‘pincer effect’ - criticism from the community and discouragement in government - can stop the exploration running out of breath and cause a quick turnaround.

A whole lot of failed reforms are those ‘aborted’ in the second phase, not those never started. However, a reform begun and not completed is worse than a failed reform. Because while a community that has never attempted a necessary reform can always initiate one, for a community that has failed a first reform, it becomes very difficult, if not impossible, to initiate a second one, because the management of that first failure has consumed much of the available energy, and that first collective enthusiasm which is necessary to begin will be very reduced if not non-existent in the second eventual reform. Of the reforms of charismatic communities only ‘the first one is the good one’, the second possibility, which is always there, is (easily) ineffective.

So when a community government decides to undertake a reform, it must be aware that the second phase of criticism and discouragement will come. It must take this into account, not be surprised by its arrival. This way, even when we run out of breath we will confidently continue the dive, in search of the new rainbow.


Credits foto: © 14578371 da Pixabay

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Rebirth requires learning/1 - Why do many community reforms start out auspiciously and then stall?

by Luigino Bruni

published on Città Nuova ion 20/12/2023 - From the magazine Città Nuova n. 9/2023

The most precious and rare art to learn when starting a community reform is to be able to get to the depths of the process. The first phase of a reform is almost always accompanied by acclaim, encouragement and applause, because, as a rule, movements and communities start reforms too late, when it is already evident to (almost) everyone that a lot of things need to change in order not to perish; and so the new government that sets about this reform work is greeted as one greets a saviour. Only a few of the members are aware that this necessary reform would have had to be done many years earlier, when the symptoms of the collective disease were still almost invisible and everything spoke of health and success.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-odd )
The new rainbow that is there

The new rainbow that is there

Rebirth requires learning/1 - Why do many community reforms start out auspiciously and then stall? by Luigino Bruni published on Città Nuova ion 20/12/2023 - From the magazine Città Nuova n. 9/2023 The most precious and rare art to learn when starting a community reform is to be able to get to th...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 16640
    [title] => The EoC Today: Challenges and Opportunities
    [alias] => the-eoc-today-challenges-and-opportunities
    [introtext] => 

By now, the Economy of Communion is nearing its twentieth anniversary. A “place of resistence”.

By Luigino Bruni

Published on Citta Nuova n.21/2010 on 10/11/2010

At the end of May, 2011, everyone in the EoC will meet again in Sao Paulo to rediscover the roots of this experience and outline new prospects. The EoC is alive and growing in today’s history, through the crises and the hopes of our time. Chiara Lubich’s proposal to begin businesses and industrial parks, and then (in May of 1989) to start a cultural movement that would give “scientific dignity” to the praxis of the businesses, did not fall into an empty abyss. It was embraced by thousands of people, mostly within the Focolare Movement but recently even outside of it. They are people and institutions who are trying to make that seed produce fruit.

[fulltext] =>

At the same time, I believe that the entire EoC today is called to face a new step.

I was recently in Brazil and, together with some of the Brazilian protagonists of the project, we went back through some of the first moments of the project. It made me remember a not very well-known episode from those days, and this memory struck me in a particular way. Chiara, returning from that trip to Brazil, had noticed a detail in a painting of Mary Desolate which was in her office and which Igino Giordani had given her many years earlier. In that painting, Mary had a crown of thorns tightly pressed to her chest. For her, it was an immediate connection with the “crown of thorns of poverty” that she had seen in the favelas of Sao Paulo and which had been the inspiration of the newly born EoC. 

This episode made us reflect on the nature of the originating inspiration and on the prospects that await us now and in the years to come. The crown of thorns – the suffering of the poor that Chiara invited us to love and redeem – it was the crown of thorns of Sao Paulo, of all cities. It was the crown of thorns of the world and of capitalism. Obviously, that crown was not made only of the poor in the Focolare. For Chiara, the poor in the Movement were only a first step for then going well beyond that. 

The prospect that opened wide to the EoC was one of great scope: that of contributing to give life to a new economic-social order, to a new model of development, rethinking and connecting the two central realities of capitalism which are still opposites today: business (the motor of economic development) and poverty (of those who are excluded from that development). 

An assessment of the EoC today should then refer more than anything and primarily to this dimension of the project: the relationship between businesses and the excluded.  Only then should there be further assessment on the cultural or theoretical impact that the EoC had or has in the Church, in society and in academia (obviously all important aspects), beyond its capacity to make entrepreneurs more ethical or generous. 

From this perspective, we must admit that we´re still far from having fulfilled the vocation of the EoC. The success of such a project, in fact, is not measured on the number of the businesses that have become more ethical over these years and neither on the profits gathered and given (still too little). Neither is it measured by the development of the industrial parks. The EoC will be fully in line with its mission when it will become an economic and social model which is characterized by communion, and therefore, with a truly human face. To reach this goal, questioned everyday by our freedom and responsibility, there is need to know and want to face at least three demanding challenges.  

First of all, as both praxis and as culture, the EoC needs to put itself always more in network with the other experiences of social and civil economy that, in their way, try to humanize economy. It is a challenge that Chiara foreshadowed in her lectio magistralis in 1999 on the occasion of her honorary degree from Sacred Heart Catholic University in Piacenza. In the ten years that have followed that degree, some steps have been taken, but there is need to do more and to do so on a larger national and international scale. 

Secondly, poverty (which we prefer to call misery or exclusion, in way that is more appropriate and more in line with the Gospel) must be understood today in various ways. It can no longer be just the material poverty of the 1991 Brazilian favelas (although this dimension will always be central and important, as it is also often at the basis of other forms of poverty).   

Exclusion, solitude, lack of meaning in life, of true values, of ability, of rights and freedoms, of relationships – always more, these are the typical twenty-first century forms of poverty which are accompanied by the traditional ones. In particular, starting from the charism of unity of which the EoC expresses, it is urgent today to love and care for these forms of need which arise from broken relationships, from famine of relational goods, from various forms of disunity (private, civil and political), and for which the charism of unity, through its vocation, has eyes capable of seeing in order to transform these wound into blessings.

Therefore, it is necessary to launch a new phase of creativity and innovation, where various enterpreneurs and actors of the EoC, current and future, feel the freedom and responsibility to look at the old and new forms of poverty to find new solutions, always remembering that the first way of fighting exclusion and indigence is the work of creating and offering

Finally, it’s necessary to make a cultural and theoretical effort. Starting from the experience of these first years of the EoC and always in dialogue with many others, there is need to create a proposal of a new economic model that does not limit itself to the reflections on individual actions and on businesses. I’m convinced that economists, enterpreneurs and EoC workers have the potential to propose new models of development and institutional dynamics, which they offer as a contribution to that new economic order – environmentally, socially and spiritually sustainable, which so many are searching for today, and which is always more urgent to find. 

If the EoC is capable of reading and facing these challenges with “charismatic” courage, the prophecy of Chiara will become salt for history, and will therefore be able to give its contribution to the well living of the women and men of today, within and outside of markets. It is not by chance that this year, besides the Brazil 2011 event, the worldwide EoC launched a “youth project”, which will have two significant international schools: the first in Latin American and the second in Africa, both in January of 2011.

In the culture of consumption, the EoC can and must be a “resistence place”, not made of islands but of oases of communion and gratuitousness, as the abbeys were during Medieval times. In fact, we can remember that Chiara intuited the reality that would later become the EoC (the “chimneys”) for the first time while contemplating a Benedictan abbey from high upon the Swiss hills. Hers was a message of communion and gratuitousness that has great value today as, in a world where money tends to become everything because one can buy (almost) everything with it, the EoC is a reminder that the greatest wealth is that which is given and shared. This goes for people and for nations.

[checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [catid] => 890 [created] => 2010-11-10 17:46:05 [created_by] => 64 [created_by_alias] => Luigino Bruni [state] => 1 [modified] => 2020-08-23 20:47:02 [modified_by] => 609 [modified_by_name] => Super User [publish_up] => 2020-02-14 15:41:55 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [images] => {"image_intro":"","float_intro":"","image_intro_alt":"","image_intro_caption":"","image_fulltext":"","float_fulltext":"","image_fulltext_alt":"","image_fulltext_caption":""} [urls] => {"urla":false,"urlatext":"","targeta":"","urlb":false,"urlbtext":"","targetb":"","urlc":false,"urlctext":"","targetc":""} [attribs] => {"article_layout":"","show_title":"","link_titles":"","show_tags":"","show_intro":"","info_block_position":"","info_block_show_title":"","show_category":"","link_category":"","show_parent_category":"","link_parent_category":"","show_associations":"","show_author":"","link_author":"","show_create_date":"","show_modify_date":"","show_publish_date":"","show_item_navigation":"","show_icons":"","show_print_icon":"","show_email_icon":"","show_vote":"","show_hits":"","show_noauth":"","urls_position":"","alternative_readmore":"","article_page_title":"","show_publishing_options":"","show_article_options":"","show_urls_images_backend":"","show_urls_images_frontend":"","helix_ultimate_image":"","helix_ultimate_image_alt_txt":"","helix_ultimate_article_format":"standard","gallery":"","helix_ultimate_audio":"","helix_ultimate_video":"","link_title":"","link_url":"","quote_text":"","quote_author":"","post_status":""} [metadata] => {"robots":"","author":"","rights":"","xreference":""} [metakey] => [metadesc] => [access] => 1 [hits] => 5791 [xreference] => [featured] => 0 [language] => en-GB [on_img_default] => 1 [readmore] => 7231 [ordering] => 95 [category_title] => EN - 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By now, the Economy of Communion is nearing its twentieth anniversary. A “place of resistence”.

By Luigino Bruni

Published on Citta Nuova n.21/2010 on 10/11/2010

At the end of May, 2011, everyone in the EoC will meet again in Sao Paulo to rediscover the roots of this experience and outline new prospects. The EoC is alive and growing in today’s history, through the crises and the hopes of our time. Chiara Lubich’s proposal to begin businesses and industrial parks, and then (in May of 1989) to start a cultural movement that would give “scientific dignity” to the praxis of the businesses, did not fall into an empty abyss. It was embraced by thousands of people, mostly within the Focolare Movement but recently even outside of it. They are people and institutions who are trying to make that seed produce fruit.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-even )
The EoC Today: Challenges and Opportunities

The EoC Today: Challenges and Opportunities

By now, the Economy of Communion is nearing its twentieth anniversary. A “place of resistence”. By Luigino Bruni Published on Citta Nuova n.21/2010 on 10/11/2010 At the end of May, 2011, everyone in the EoC will meet again in Sao Paulo to rediscover the roots of this experience and outline new prosp...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 855
    [title] => The paradox of "thank-you"
    [alias] => the-paradox-of-qthank-youq
    [introtext] => 

Even a simple thank-you at the counter hides moral and economic values.

By Luigino Bruni

Published in Cittá Nuova, n.23/2010 on 10/12/2010

I’m invited to dinner; I bring a tray of  pastries, and my host says “thanks”. I drink a coffee at the train station, and after I’ve paid a price, I say, “thanks” to the waiter. These are two thank-yous said in seemingly very different contexts: gift and friendship in the first, contract and anonymity in the second. Still, we use the same word, “thanks”. What do these two facts have in common? They are free meetings between human beings. The thank-you which we say not only to our friends but also to waiters, bakers or cashiers at the supermarket, is not only good manners or habits. That thank-you expresses recognition that, even when we’re doing nothing more than our duty, by working, there is always something more involved. Besides, we could say that work truly begins when we go beyond our duty and put all of ourselves into making lunch, tightening a screw, or giving a lesson at school.

[fulltext] =>

One truly works when you begin to add “Mario” when addressing Mr. Rossi or “Luigino” when addressing Professor Bruni. Instead, when one stops before crossing this threshold, work remains too similar to what that automatic coffee machine does. This is where we find a paradox: workers and directors of every business know that work is truly work and brings the fruits of efficiency and effectiveness when it expresses an excess to what is laid out in one’s contract or duty – when it is a gift (as N. Alter’s most recent book Donner et prendre reminds us).

Today, business is not able to recognize that “something more” which is the gift present in human work. If businesses use classical incentives (like money) to recognize the gift contained in work, that “something more” of gift becomes duty and disappears. Instead, in order to avoid this disappearance of gift, businesses and their directors do nothing, and as time goes by, a worker’s surplus production grows less, producing sadness and cynicism in him, and worse results for the business.

It's this impossibility to compensate the surplus in work which is one of the reasons why, in all jobs (from laborers to university professors), people almost always have a deep crisis after the first few years. They realize that after having given the best of them to that organization without feeling truly recognized for what they have truly given, which is always immensely greater than the value of the wages received. The art of managing organizations today is above all in inventing new ways to give recognition for such gifts.

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Even a simple thank-you at the counter hides moral and economic values.

By Luigino Bruni

Published in Cittá Nuova, n.23/2010 on 10/12/2010

I’m invited to dinner; I bring a tray of  pastries, and my host says “thanks”. I drink a coffee at the train station, and after I’ve paid a price, I say, “thanks” to the waiter. These are two thank-yous said in seemingly very different contexts: gift and friendship in the first, contract and anonymity in the second. Still, we use the same word, “thanks”. What do these two facts have in common? They are free meetings between human beings. The thank-you which we say not only to our friends but also to waiters, bakers or cashiers at the supermarket, is not only good manners or habits. That thank-you expresses recognition that, even when we’re doing nothing more than our duty, by working, there is always something more involved. Besides, we could say that work truly begins when we go beyond our duty and put all of ourselves into making lunch, tightening a screw, or giving a lesson at school.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-odd )
The paradox of "thank-you"

The paradox of "thank-you"

Even a simple thank-you at the counter hides moral and economic values. By Luigino Bruni Published in Cittá Nuova, n.23/2010 on 10/12/2010 I’m invited to dinner; I bring a tray of  pastries, and my host says “thanks”. I drink a coffee at the train station, and after I’ve paid a price, I say, “t...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 16627
    [title] => I produce if I am a person
    [alias] => i-produce-if-i-am-a-person
    [introtext] => 

One of the great pillars of the market economy, in particular the labor market, is the idea that the company does not buy people but working hours.

by Luigino Bruni

published on Città Nuova n.10/2011 on 25/05/2011

One of the great pillars of the market economy, in particular the labor market, is the idea that the company does not buy people but working hours. It is because the labor “market” was considered a particular market: on one part work is not merchandise but on the other work performance suffers and is subject to the law of supply and demand. Hence the importance that each country has been attributed to the social mediations (unions) and policies in this market.

[fulltext] =>

Recently, however, we are witnessing a major change: businesses not only will buy working hours but are looking to buy (and often succeed) the person, especially the youth with this line of reasoning: "I will pay you a lot, I promise you a brilliant career, but time does not exist, there are no limits.” 

This change also depends on a deeper transformation of our society and economy, namely the knowledge that if a worker does not put all his passion, creativity and intelligence in his work performance, businesses will not go forward. It is why one thinks that by paying more one can buy the person, including the heart, mind and passion. But in this operation a worm is hidden, a virus of our capitalist system: the illusion that once the boundary between work and life (because work becomes your life) is eliminated, that person can continue to flourish and mature over time.

In reality, the most important quality of a person is nurtured and grows also and mainly outside the company. And if the company buys me, it removes the possibility of cultivating these outside of work dimensions.  In fact, it is drying up wells from which I draw energy, passion and heart, finding myself completely empty after a few years, no longer useful to the company and often submerged on the rubble of familiar and relational. So if a company wants and needs to look for the best that its worker can give, it must make sure that there is always a surplus of life at work, that is, it needs to protect the space outside of work.

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One of the great pillars of the market economy, in particular the labor market, is the idea that the company does not buy people but working hours.

by Luigino Bruni

published on Città Nuova n.10/2011 on 25/05/2011

One of the great pillars of the market economy, in particular the labor market, is the idea that the company does not buy people but working hours. It is because the labor “market” was considered a particular market: on one part work is not merchandise but on the other work performance suffers and is subject to the law of supply and demand. Hence the importance that each country has been attributed to the social mediations (unions) and policies in this market.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-even )
I produce if I am a person

I produce if I am a person

One of the great pillars of the market economy, in particular the labor market, is the idea that the company does not buy people but working hours. by Luigino Bruni published on Città Nuova n.10/2011 on 25/05/2011 One of the great pillars of the market economy, in particular the labor mar...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 16163
    [title] => The elegance of that one and only dress
    [alias] => the-elegance-of-that-one-and-only-dress
    [introtext] => 

We will not be able to create a new development model if we don’t learn to appreciate the wealth and value of the small things in life

By Luigino Bruni

Published in Messaggero di Sant'Antonio 16/01/2020

Although our culture, and perhaps every culture, associates its positive values ​​with some form of wealth (material, spiritual, moral, emotional ...), in reality even poverty has its values, its virtues and even its beauty.

[fulltext] =>

The West, and especially capitalism, has built civilization on the idea that having many things is better than having a few, and hence that the sum and accumulation of goods are an essential part of well-being. The East (think Gandhi's kind of wisdom) for a long time had a different line of thought and believed that happiness consisted in educating ones desires, in learning the art of enjoying what you already have without cultivating envy or anger for what you don't.

But it wasn’t the value ​​of the "little" things that became the value ​​of capitalist economy, and even less so in the post-capitalist one, where from a sum we moved on to the multiplication of things, in an insatiability that constitutes the primary engine in our present development model: we are not happy, and we think that this discontent is linked to not yet having enough, and so we feel anxious to increase our number of things and accumulate. However, we then realize that those coveted goods do not make us happy, but we think this depends on not yet possessing enough... an endless carousel that continues to go around, and the GDP grows thanks to our unhappiness and our many illusions. It is a game that has been going on for centuries, but spiritual illiteracy prevents us from recognizing this great illusion today; it presented the game to us as reality, and we believed it.

I remember my maternal grandmother Marietta very well, because she received the gift of a long life, and I the gift of enjoying her company even as an adult. She was poor although not indigent, she was a peasant who had seven daughters. Whenever I attended her village feasts as a child, she used to wear her good dress, the one saved for special days. I remember, because it was always the same, in part because she only used it for a few hours (usually for mass), and then she carefully stored it away and kept it wrapped in cellophane with mothballs to protect it. But that typical elegance of hers, that way of hers to dress with a different kind of dignity, that natural discretion, that combination of reserve and pride to wear something beautiful because it was rare and carefully taken care of, I have never seen them again in the many clothes worn by her daughters or by her granddaughters (although all equally dignified and beautiful, just like her). It is that elegance of the one and only dress, which is very similar to that of the birds in the sky, which beat even that of Solomon and his thousand outfits, that apparently even surpassed those of the Queen of Sheba, and they must have been really beautiful, even in her own wonderful clothes (so much so that she was struck by the clothes of the workers in Solomon's palace).

I have, on the other hand, seen that elegance of the one and only dress many times in my travels to Brazil, to Africa, in Asia. There, in the encounter with countless poor men and especially poor women, once again, I saw my grandmother’s dress and with it, her splendid dignity. It is part of the wealth of poverty to know how to value and preserve the few things you possess, a care that enhances and increases those goods.

There is a special happiness in knowing that what you have is unique, that it’s rare; and instead the great illusion of capitalism is to convince us that nothing is unique, nothing is rare, and everything can be multiplied indefinitely: this is its promise of eternal life, the eternal life of things, and our eternal life as well almost.

If we had kept the values ​​of those peasant women of the last century, we would certainly not have ended up plundering the planet. We will not create a new development model if we do not learn to appreciate the wealth and value of the small things in life.

Photos:  @Giuliano Dinon / Archivio MSA

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We will not be able to create a new development model if we don’t learn to appreciate the wealth and value of the small things in life

By Luigino Bruni

Published in Messaggero di Sant'Antonio 16/01/2020

Although our culture, and perhaps every culture, associates its positive values ​​with some form of wealth (material, spiritual, moral, emotional ...), in reality even poverty has its values, its virtues and even its beauty.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-odd )
The elegance of that one and only dress

The elegance of that one and only dress

We will not be able to create a new development model if we don’t learn to appreciate the wealth and value of the small things in life By Luigino Bruni Published in Messaggero di Sant'Antonio 16/01/2020 Although our culture, and perhaps every culture, associates its positive values ​​with some fo...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 16564
    [title] => Fiscal Purgatory
    [alias] => fiscal-purgatory
    [introtext] => 

Taxes and Justice

By Luigino Bruni

Published on on 18/03/2010

Once again, we speak again about fiscal reform and the fight against tax evasion, a disease not only of the fiscal system but of all civil life as it undermines the roots of the "social pact" between citizens. Today, in a modern democracy, we should often remember the logic of taxation. Taxes (and levies) have three goals: they serve to redistribute income and wealth from the rich to the poor; they are an instrument to encourage the consumption of meritorious goods (art, education, culture...); and finally they serve to finance public goods, like streets, security or health.
[fulltext] =>

All three of these functions make sense within a society that feels itself linked by a pact, as it has a collective dimension which is greater than a sum of contracts and individual and private actions. Let´s think, for example, of public goods: if they cost 1000 and there are 100 of us paying our taxes, each one of us contributes 10 on average. But if we are 100 citizens and only 50 of these pay their taxes, whoever contributes pays 20, for themselves and for their "wily" co-citizens. That is why the social pact is undermined when tax evasion exceeds a critical threshold. It breaks the trust that keeps people and any political community together.

When We talk about the scandal of fiscal paradises - "places" where recycled money often travels, oozing with violence and blood - we should remember that fiscal purgatories also exist. They are where people who, even due to the sly person´s paradise, find themselves under too much unjust and unsustainable fiscal pressure. It´s a purgatory that transforms itself into hell when an entrepreneur that lives legally in sectors of high fiscal evasion is forced to close his business. The fiscal culture changes then over the long run, with the fatiguing art of daily virtuous actions, starting in school. It is not easy to answer a child who asks, "why do fiscal paradises exist?" but we can always wish him that his generation be the first to eliminate this collective shame.

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Taxes and Justice

By Luigino Bruni

Published on on 18/03/2010

Once again, we speak again about fiscal reform and the fight against tax evasion, a disease not only of the fiscal system but of all civil life as it undermines the roots of the "social pact" between citizens. Today, in a modern democracy, we should often remember the logic of taxation. Taxes (and levies) have three goals: they serve to redistribute income and wealth from the rich to the poor; they are an instrument to encourage the consumption of meritorious goods (art, education, culture...); and finally they serve to finance public goods, like streets, security or health.
[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-even )
Fiscal Purgatory

Fiscal Purgatory

Taxes and Justice By Luigino Bruni Published on on 18/03/2010 Once again, we speak again about fiscal reform and the fight against tax evasion, a disease not only of the fiscal system but of all civil life as it undermines the roots of the "social pact" between citizens. Today, in a mo...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 16562
    [title] => Gratuitousness, a communitary process
    [alias] => gratuitousness-a-communitary-process
    [introtext] => 

The entrepreneur from Brescia who paid school taxes for children who could not has been both praised and harshly criticized. What is the value of gratuitousness within a community? Three questions to economist Luigino Bruni. 

By Chiara Andreola

Publishing on on 16/04/2010

At first, the Strali had arrived at the mayor´s office in Adro (Brescia), who had decided that children whose families had not settled accounts would not be allowed to eat the school lunch. Then, when an (initially) anonymous entrepreneur paid the debt so that these faultless children would not go with an empty stomach, the author of this magnificant gesture fell under a barrage of fire. People said that it is too easy these days for someone who wants to be clever to take advantage of others´generosity. Nearly 200 families had announced that they would not pay the school tax as a sign of protest. Plus, the mayor declared to the Corriera della Sera that Silvano Lancini - the name of the entrepreneur - had made a "political act", made to favor the opposition. Whether authentic generosity or a calculated move, this episode centers on the value and role of gratuitousness in the context of citizenship. We spoke with Luigino Bruni, professor of economy at the university of Milano-Bicocca and author of a book written specifically on this topic (The Price of Gratuitousness, Cittá Nuova).

[fulltext] =>

As soon as the name of the benefactor was revealed, a number of assumptions were formed on which other interests could hide: why do we struggle to understand a gratuitous act?

"Market ethos is so centered around the principle of personal interest, as transpires from textbooks and management schools who form the leader class, that even an altruistic act ends up in this logic and becomes "scrutinized". But we must also say that this is a reaction to the idea of charity that hids relationships of power. The munus, or gift, has been part of common life for millenium, but in some cases it was an expression of control. Even Seneca affirmed that, if he who benefits is not able to respond to the gift of the benefactor, he ends up hating him, because he remembers his dependance every day. Therefore, there is need to create the conditions for the existence of a culture of gratuitousness. Civil economy and the economy of communion go in this direction."

How does gratuitousness distinguish itself from charity? 

"Gratuitousness is rooted in reciprocity. It is a process that begins, as with a donation, but then develops and lasts over time within the community. It´s not only the act of a person. In this sense, European culture is different than American culture, where it is considered normal that an entrepreneur make consistent donations. Not being used to the philanthropic model, but to the communitarian model, we (in Europe) do not have the idea that it´s the individual that provides from his own wallet a task that we attribute to the state or the community. And it is in the community that reciprocity can be fully expressed, because it is not simply charity but a model of relationships. Poverty itself is a relationship, not a status."

One of the reasons why the Brescian entrepreneur was critized is the risk that he took advantage of who, although able, did not pay the lunch fee. Does gratuitousness have limits?

"The act of generosity is fragil by nature and exposed to opportunism. Risk is inevitable, but it is not a good reason to not to take it. Building communities of solidarity for more sustainable dynamics works also as a guarantee in this sense, because once the process of gratuitousness has been inserted into the communitarian dimension there can also be controls for it."

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The entrepreneur from Brescia who paid school taxes for children who could not has been both praised and harshly criticized. What is the value of gratuitousness within a community? Three questions to economist Luigino Bruni. 

By Chiara Andreola

Publishing on on 16/04/2010

At first, the Strali had arrived at the mayor´s office in Adro (Brescia), who had decided that children whose families had not settled accounts would not be allowed to eat the school lunch. Then, when an (initially) anonymous entrepreneur paid the debt so that these faultless children would not go with an empty stomach, the author of this magnificant gesture fell under a barrage of fire. People said that it is too easy these days for someone who wants to be clever to take advantage of others´generosity. Nearly 200 families had announced that they would not pay the school tax as a sign of protest. Plus, the mayor declared to the Corriera della Sera that Silvano Lancini - the name of the entrepreneur - had made a "political act", made to favor the opposition. Whether authentic generosity or a calculated move, this episode centers on the value and role of gratuitousness in the context of citizenship. We spoke with Luigino Bruni, professor of economy at the university of Milano-Bicocca and author of a book written specifically on this topic (The Price of Gratuitousness, Cittá Nuova).

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-odd )
Gratuitousness, a communitary process

Gratuitousness, a communitary process

The entrepreneur from Brescia who paid school taxes for children who could not has been both praised and harshly criticized. What is the value of gratuitousness within a community? Three questions to economist Luigino Bruni.  By Chiara Andreola Publishing on on 16/04/2010 At first...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 16234
    [title] => Peacebuilders for the EoC
    [alias] => peacebuilders-for-the-eoc
    [introtext] => 

Beyond the market - A surprising encounter with an association that has made one of Chiara Lubich's dreams, the Economy of Communion its own

by Luigino Bruni

published in Città Nuova, August 2018

Costruttori di pace ridFlorence, 28 June, San Lorenzo Church. In the rooms below the church, the Associazione Costruttori di pace (Association of Peacebuilders) presented their nascent enterprise of 'street food’ to an audience of about forty people. I had met them a few months earlier, when they invited me so they could tell me about their interest, or 'passion' (as they like to say), for the Economy of Communion (EoC). An association created by young people to meet the needs of other young migrants who, once they reach 18 years of age, find themselves in a situation of serious vulnerability. They first began to welcome them into the homes of some of them, then they rented an apartment, and now they have created a reception facility in the parish premises.

[fulltext] =>

The members of the association are workers, salespersons, students. The president, Emmanuel, is a young Italian of African parents. "We found the EoC by chance, looking on the internet for different types of economies," says Mauro, a member of the group, "and from there we arrived at Chiara Lubich. We listened to her on video in some training meetings; then, in one night, some of us dreamt of her, simultaneously. One of them was embraced by Chiara, without her saying anything; to another she gave answers to questions about God and faith; and to me,” he continues, a bit moved “she said a sentence that I have not yet fully understood: »always keep Jesus at the centre«".

The meeting with the Peacebuilders is one of the strongest and most authentic events of these past years. It’s a group of young people who put themselves to work concretely to welcome into their homes other young people going through difficulties. They found the EoC on their own and then met Chiara in their dream in the same night, and she said beautiful things to them, the things she said many times to many of us, but we are forgetting them, because we are forgetting the desire to change the world. The economy of communion is being reborn today (I am thinking of the Congo, Latin America and Europe, too) wherever there are people like Emmanuel, Mauro and their friends and families. Wherever there are people who start welcoming the poor into their homes again. The first 'founding myth' of the EoC is set in post-war Trento, when in the first focolare (which means ‘hearth’ or ‘fireside’ in English - the tr.), sitting at the table one would find “a focolarina, a poor man, a focolarino, a poor man” - as Chiara and her first companions told us many times. And on those occasions, they said, they always put the most beautiful tablecloths and cutlery, to express with that simple gesture how much dignity and value they appropriated to those guests.

Today the EoC stays alive and is reborn where people and entrepreneurs continue to welcome people in difficulty 'inside their house', even if the tables set for the feast are workshop counters and company canteens. Community and productive inclusion is still the first step in every new experience of communion, in every part of the world. "I went to live with the young people we had hosted," Emmanuel told me, "because I could not say that we are a family if I did not go to live with them. Life is born again from life, when someone leaves the warmth of meetings and the consumption of spirituality, and starts to walk towards the other waiting for us.”

Hospitality is a virtue that is very much threatened today as the West is going through an era when it has forgotten its founding values, no longer remembering that Isaac, the son of the Promise, was announced by three guests hosted by Abraham and Sara under their nomadic tent.

The new EoC company that is being set up in Florence will create work for these guests who have come from the sea, because until a young man does not work he has not yet been truly welcomed. However, work does not come from the government or bureaucracies but from those who decide to become entrepreneurs to respond to the cries of the people of their city. Only a thousand Emmanuels and Mauros will keep the EoC alive, and if we continue to stay cosy in the comfort of our communities, the angels will be the ones to visit them and call them in a dream.


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Beyond the market - A surprising encounter with an association that has made one of Chiara Lubich's dreams, the Economy of Communion its own

by Luigino Bruni

published in Città Nuova, August 2018

Costruttori di pace ridFlorence, 28 June, San Lorenzo Church. In the rooms below the church, the Associazione Costruttori di pace (Association of Peacebuilders) presented their nascent enterprise of 'street food’ to an audience of about forty people. I had met them a few months earlier, when they invited me so they could tell me about their interest, or 'passion' (as they like to say), for the Economy of Communion (EoC). An association created by young people to meet the needs of other young migrants who, once they reach 18 years of age, find themselves in a situation of serious vulnerability. They first began to welcome them into the homes of some of them, then they rented an apartment, and now they have created a reception facility in the parish premises.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-even )
Peacebuilders for the EoC

Peacebuilders for the EoC

Beyond the market - A surprising encounter with an association that has made one of Chiara Lubich's dreams, the Economy of Communion its own by Luigino Bruni published in Città Nuova, August 2018 Florence, 28 June, San Lorenzo Church. In the rooms below the church, the Associazione Costruttori di pa...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 16327
    [title] => Economy and Sharing
    [alias] => economy-and-sharing
    [introtext] => 

Columns - Beyond the market

by Luigino Bruni

published in pdf Città Nuova n.12/2016 (104 KB) November 2016 issue

Sharing Economy ridIt is not easy to understand what is really happening in the growing phenomenon of the so-called sharing economy. Also because some very different experiences, sometimes too many are incorporated in this expression.

[fulltext] =>

First of all a premise. For those who watch the development process of market economy from a long-term perspective, today's sharing economy is a step that's consistent with the evolution of the relationship between market and society. From the beginnings, the market has grown in synergy with the social sphere. A thousand years ago, in Italy, the beginnings of a market with two operations appeared: we took pieces of communal life that had been governed by community rules and instruments until then and we put them under the control of money. After that we invented new relationships that were born thanks to the new economic and monetary instruments. So, instead of continuing to spin the clothes for self-consumption in the family or clan, we started to sell and purchase them in the square. And we met people and peoples hitherto unknown or even enemies, thanks to the silk and spice trade. The Silk Road was a great way of sharing that connected merchants and distant civilizations for many centuries. Market economy has always lived in this interweaving of social relations and contracts, economic and relational goods, money and gratuitousness. Over the past two centuries, the social spaces intertwined with the markets have grown a lot, and today there are very few places not reached by the monetary exchange. The market grows more and more by giving a price to activities that until then were done for free, and by inventing ever new mutually beneficial relationships to respond to our needs and desires.

It is within this long journey of the West, and especially Europe that we should interpret what is happening today in the 'sharing economy planet'. If we want to try and give a substantial definition of sharing economy, we could call by this name those activities where the following three features are found, in different measures: a) the market coexists with some dimension of gratuitousness (of time, energy, money); b) the contracts are intertwined with relational goods; c) the exchange arises from an explicit and intentional mutual benefit. The novelty lies in keeping these three dimensions together, because experience with one or two of the listed characteristics has always existed. If we look at the concrete experiences, the first dimension (a) is the most difficult to find in practice, because when the market embraces gratuitousness it tends to do it unexpectedly and by surprise, but not always and not necessarily.

On the whole, we must be very happy with the development of sharing economy, which is increasing the opportunities for interaction and reciprocity in our time, increasing the biodiversity of economic and civil forms of society.

There are, however, some hardly visible side effects produced by the development of the growth of sharing economy. Consider, for another example, the so-called 'home restaurants', those families who invite strangers to dinner at lower prices than the restaurants. If this phenomenon keeps growing, the day will come when no one will invite you to dinner unless you leave at least a small donation. And those who do not have the economic means will increasingly be forced to stay at home. Obviously these phenomena become socially revealing when they go beyond 'a critical point'. But, unfortunately, the critical points are passed almost always in an unnoticed way, and once passed they remain behind us and we no longer see them. And we may soon find ourselves in a world where a friend will ask us 20 Euros to listen to us for an hour, giving us a 50% discount compared to the price in the newly formed market of listening to others. And we will have forgotten the ancient truth that listening to a friend has an infinite value precisely because it has no price, because it is priceless.

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Also because some very different experiences, sometimes too many are incorporated in this expression. 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Columns - Beyond the market

by Luigino Bruni

published in pdf Città Nuova n.12/2016 (104 KB) November 2016 issue

Sharing Economy ridIt is not easy to understand what is really happening in the growing phenomenon of the so-called sharing economy. Also because some very different experiences, sometimes too many are incorporated in this expression.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-odd )
Economy and Sharing

Economy and Sharing

Columns - Beyond the market by Luigino Bruni published in pdf Città Nuova n.12/2016 (104 KB) November 2016 issue It is not easy to understand what is really happening in the growing phenomenon of the so-called sharing economy. Also because some very different experiences, sometimes to...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 16332
    [title] => The subsidiarity of emotions
    [alias] => the-subsidiarity-of-emotions
    [introtext] => 

Columns - Beyond the market

by Luigino Bruni

published in pdf Città Nuova n.11/2016 (116 KB) on novembre 2016

Emozioni a Firenze ridIn large enterprises of our day the attention paid to the management of emotions is growing quickly. Economic organizations are beginning to feel instinctively that we are in a profound anthropological transformation, and so they try, as much as they can, to find the solutions. Because of its ability to anticipate the needs and desires, capitalism is now realizing that in our time there is an ocean of loneliness, famine for attention and tenderness, lack of respect and recognition as well as desire to be seen and beloved, in an unprecedented and immense measure. And it is gearing up to meet even this 'demand' for new markets.

[fulltext] =>

On the other side, the protagonists of our economy know that the emotional fragility of workers is an ever greater weak point in it. This fragility is caused by the sudden disappearance of an entire millennial heritage of the cultivation and education of emotions. The past generations had learned to go through suffering, joy and crises together, to share in the act of mourning. Literature, popular religiousness and the poems once taught us how to suffer through the pain of others, even those whom we will not see or ever embrace. Mourning was a total kind of event that in its limited time absorbed everything (in our house, when a neighbour was dying we would not turn on the TV). This management of emotions had taught us how to suffer for people we don't know; but without religions, literature and art we only cry for natural reasons (relatives and close friends), we do not you cry for cultural reasons: for people we don't know but are never so strange or foreign as not to feel that they are our brothers. We have forgotten this management of the emotions, and we are in a kind of 'holy Sabbath of emotions', awaiting a resurrection.

One sign of this emotional disaster of our capitalism is the increasing presence of coaches, counsellors, business psychologists in our companies, the growth of supply in new master's degrees in "Management of emotional resources" or "Development of emotional intelligence." All this says that the emotional crisis is great, and that it is the origin of many new relational conflicts and illnesses of the soul – at work and at home.

As for now, the results are altogether rather disappointing, and could not be otherwise, because the great contradictions of our time are forming an ever-growing presence inside the enterprises. The factory is no longer the 'morphology of capitalism'. Therefore it should not be the company to treat the emotional poverty of its workers, because the disease is much more extensive than that which occurs within its borders.

Consider, for example, the enormous change (also in terms of work) that the evolution of the Internet is generating. Many social relations are now lived and operated in the environments of social media. Interactions without bodies, where we exchange millions of words that are different from those that we say or we would say looking each other in the face and clutching the hand of the other. We do not see the redness of the cheeks, the wet eyes, the trembling of the voice; and so we say new and different things with words and symbols (emoticons) that are almost always less responsible or true.

Given the importance that these new 'places' have for teenagers and young people (and now even children), in the age of the Internet we should invest much more in the education of emotions - and we should think more about the fact that this environment is managed by huge corporations for profit. We should talk more and deepen the trivialization of words and signs. The 'heart' and 'kisses' are serious things, which must be handled carefully and sparingly, to prevent them from becoming empty hearts and kisses which will not be there any more when one day we should really donate them to someone flesh and blood, and only to him/her.

Even in the use of these instruments, which are also a great blessing, the principle of subsidiarity should apply: a word sent on social networks is only good if it helps (subsidizes) the good words that we say we when we meet outside the network. We shall learn how to work again if we learn to be together, with our soul and body.

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La riflessione di Luigino Bruni su Città Nuova di novevmbre. 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Columns - Beyond the market

by Luigino Bruni

published in pdf Città Nuova n.11/2016 (116 KB) on novembre 2016

Emozioni a Firenze ridIn large enterprises of our day the attention paid to the management of emotions is growing quickly. Economic organizations are beginning to feel instinctively that we are in a profound anthropological transformation, and so they try, as much as they can, to find the solutions. Because of its ability to anticipate the needs and desires, capitalism is now realizing that in our time there is an ocean of loneliness, famine for attention and tenderness, lack of respect and recognition as well as desire to be seen and beloved, in an unprecedented and immense measure. And it is gearing up to meet even this 'demand' for new markets.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-even )
The subsidiarity of emotions

The subsidiarity of emotions

Columns - Beyond the market by Luigino Bruni published in pdf Città Nuova n.11/2016 (116 KB) on novembre 2016 In large enterprises of our day the attention paid to the management of emotions is growing quickly. Economic organizations are beginning to feel instinctively that we are in...