Civil Economy

essays, research and articles ranging from economy to the history of ideas

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The Catholic spirit of the market

The Catholic spirit of the market

CounterEconomy/5 - And the society of "civil merchandising" gradually became a permanent job By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire  02/04/2023 "Search as you might, you will never find any other idea in the Counter-Reformation than this: that the Catholic Church was a highly salutary institution...
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It's that two percent that counts

It's that two percent that counts

CounterEconomy/4 - Biodiversity is also a fundamental law in doing business and consultancy By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire 26/03/2023 "No one frees anyone, no one frees himself: men free themselves in communion." Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the oppressed We can learn valuable lessons for ...
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The chastity of counselling

The chastity of counselling

CounterEconomics/3 – Once again on the latest attempt that the market is making to resist the wind of vanitas By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire 19/03/2023 "What scares me most is the suffering that rolls through the world like a steamroller. I care little about guilt, little about justice, l...
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The ABC of Subsidiarity

The ABC of Subsidiarity

CounterEconomy/2 – The Gospel teaches us to multiply loaves and fish, not business schools. By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire 12/03/2023 "God is the God of silence, because only God's silence is the condition of risk and freedom." Andrè Neher, The exile of the word This principle Is behind...
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The Age of Frailty. And of consultants

The Age of Frailty. And of consultants

CounterEconomics/1 – A new series of articles on business, its organization and some of its infections. By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire 05/03/2023 "Along the way, I have acquired the conviction that our education suffers from an enormous deficiency regarding a primary need of life: to dece...
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For a new spiritual capital

For a new spiritual capital

Today, we should take the part of Christianity that’s still alive and inculturate it in our post-Christian time, which no longer understands the languages of faith, but would be able to understand them through an appropriate cultural and narrative operation. by Luigino Bruni published in Messag...
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Disappearing adults

Disappearing adults

Today, it is more urgent than ever to re-invent adult life, crushed by an artificially prolonged youth and old age. You are not fully adult until you really work, because the age of responsibility does not actually begin. by Luigino Bruni published inl Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 02/02/2023 Our...
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The school of the street and the poor

The school of the street and the poor

The distance between the rulers and the poor is a major problem of democracy. Without a new competence of politics and politicians, the distance between life and the palace is bound to grow. by Luigino Bruni published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 06/01/2023 In one of the most beautiful pag...